Saturday, October 11, 2014

Recapturing the Wonder

 Greetings from India!
The nearest Town is about Hour from where we live.
Our Remote Resting and Work Place

We hope that all is well in the states and pray that each and every one of your friends and family is safe and well.

Thus far, our trip has been filled with adventure, love, and unspeakable joy!

 Your money donated and support have contributed in changing the lives of more than 300 people in the poverty-stricken areas of India, and we hope  and pray to help many more.

Throughout this trip, we have had great joy in serving the children, churches, and various groups of India. Some activities have included:

Teaching a group of women with HIV about health & the value of women.

Teaching health classes daily.

And teaching an English class through the use of videos.
 However, though there has been much joy it has not come without some privileged trials or two.
Some trials have been:
While others have been:
 a bit Toilsome 
Some humorous trials have include: 
  • Catherine getting chased by a large, growling monkey
  • A monkey stealing a diet coke from our room
  • Girls & boys producing unexpected displays of animals such as: dead rats, live snakes and forest crabs, and colorful, giant june bugs
  •  Falling over stairs during power outages at night and generally roasting in our room when the fans go out during these interesting events occur
  • And, almost getting ran over by a bus...TWICE (which is not an abnormal occurrence due to the interesting traffic norms)
On the other hand, some toilsome trials have included:
  •  Enduring each other in our good AND bad moods in the neverending heat!
  • Developing a cycle of continual lice... (We both think that the lice have created a permanent home with us!...)
  • Thorns in Catherine's foot due to some intense mountain hiking, and some uncomfortable skin allergies on Catherine's hands
  • And, having the daily struggle of awaiting water from the pipe of nearly dried up well or seeking water from a public area. (Each day we are extremely careful to conserve the water we have due to the fact that we are not sure of the next time we will find a sufficient amount of water to wash clothes and dishes, cook, drink, and bathe)
So...All in all, our trip has been full of great joys and struggles. And at times we have lost the motivation to move forward since we are so close to the end of our travels and have had to say goodbye to so many people we have grown to love.

However, in the midst of it all we are gradually learning to recapture the wonder and love of the land of India that we had when we first began.

1 comment:

  1. Prayers for people in Andhra Pradesh from cyclone hudhud. Blessings to you all.
